How to reset your password

Reset you password so that you can log in to Wellio

Updated over a week ago

Can't remember your password? We've got you covered.

Click the button below to head to our reset password page.

Alternatively, you can click the reset password link after you've entered your email on our login page.

Once you're on the reset password page, enter the email address you used to sign up in the box below.

You should receive an email from [email protected] with a reset password link. If you haven't received that link, complete the below steps:

  1. Check your spam folder. Sometimes they're a little hostile πŸ˜…. If the email is in spam make sure to drag it across to your inbox and mark it as "not spam", otherwise the links may be disabled. This also trains your email to accept emails from Wellio in the future.

  2. Double check the email address you entered. Is that definitely the email you used to sign up for Wellio? Try your other email addresses just to be sure.

  3. Wait a few minutes and come back. Sometimes emails can be a little slow.

  4. If that still isn't working. Contact our support team using the chat tool in the bottom right-hand corner of this page.

Once you have received that email, simply click the link and create a new password.

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