How to sign students up in Wellio

In this article, you'll learn how to set students up with access to their class in Wellio.

Updated over a week ago

Signing up your students to Wellio!

Student sign-up is a simple process that allows you to create an account and access the lessons for your class. In this article, we will walk you through the steps of signing up as a student.

Step 1: Navigate to the Student Signup Information for your class

Step 2: Students Fill Out Their Details

Step 3: Students Verify Their Email Address

SSO Set-Up

If your school has set up Single Sign-On with Wellio, students won't need to verify their email - they'll be redirected to a page with the school's branding and asked to input their school-related email address and password. Their school email account and their Wellio account will link automatically from there!

Step 1: Navigate to the Student Signup Information for your class

To begin the student sign-up process, you will need to login to the Wellio platform using your teacher account.

From here, you will automatically be in the My Classes tab.

1.1 Click the class you are enrolling.

Your screen will look like the image below:

If you are signing up a class on behalf of someone else, you can toggle to All Classes and find the class in mind there.

1.2 Click Manage Students.

Helpful Tip:

Once you have clicked onto your class, you can view all of the lessons included in your sequence. In the example above, you can see the first lesson is the Resilience Toolkit.

1.3 Click the student enrolment link to copy it and share with students

Share the link: with your students, OR, they can google Wellio and click on the 'Join a class' button on the Wellio homepage.

Share your class's class join code with them too.

Step 2: Students Fill Out their Details

2.1 Students click the link and enter their class code.

Direct your students to follow the signup link and enter the class code for their class.

Students will enter the class code into the following screen:

Once your students enter in the class code, they will see a form that they will need to fill out. The form will ask for basic information such as name, email address, year level and password.

Entering accurate information here will ensure a smooth sign-up process.

After students have filled out the form, they click Create my account to receive a verification email to the address they provided.

Step 3: Students Verify Their Email Address

This email will ask students to Confirm my account. This step is important as it helps us ensure the security of their account, and prevent student login issues throughout the year.

Congratulations, you have successfully signed your students up on Wellio! Now you can teach your first lesson.

If you encounter any issues during the sign-up process, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance at [email protected]. We are always happy to help!

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