Fixing blocked YouTube videos

Sometimes, the videos we embed into our lessons from YouTube may be restricted by your school's internet filters. Don't worry, we have a solution for this!

Many school internet filters have a feature known as an 'exceptions list'. Think of it as a VIP list for websites – any site on this list can be accessed, even if the filter would typically block it.

To make things easier for you, we have created a constantly updated list of all the YouTube, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok links used in Wellio. You can easily access and download this list by clicking the button below.

Once you've got the list, you can send this through to your school's IT team to add these links to your school's 'exceptions list'. This will allow your students to access the videos they need for their lessons, while still keeping the rest of the internet filter rules in place.


Adding items to your school's exceptions list does not impact the security of your content-blocking system in any other way, nor does it give Wellio access to anything else in your school's network. 

Download the 'exceptions list' from your admin account

If you're an Admin on your school's account you can also download this CSV from within your settings:

Log in to your Wellio admin account and open Settings.


We recognise that some schools have their exceptions list controlled at a network or departmental level, and so on-site IT staff are unable to action this for you. If this is the case for you, please reach out to us at - we might be able to help.