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How to Edit a Lesson

School admins can now customise content to better suit your school's needs! Follow these steps to edit lesson slides and push changes out to classroom teachers.


This tool is only available for teachers with Admin-level access to Wellio.


Editing a lesson

  1. Click Library from the toolbar at the top of your Wellio home-screen.
  2. Navigate to the lesson you want to customise
  3. Click the Edit lesson button on the top-right corner to create a draft.
  4. Select any text block on the page to edit it. A toolbar will appear with formatting options like bold, italics, and font size.
  5. For instructions on editing images and videos, see here

All changes are saved automatically. The Last Saved time is displayed in the top-right hand side and disappears after refreshing the page.

    Saving a draft

    If you want to return to editing your lesson for later:

    1. Click the < Back button on the top-left hand corner to exit editing mode.
    2. To resume editing, go back to the lesson page and click Continue Editing.

    Publish your changes

    Before pressing Publish – have you edited your Prep Notes?

    • Don't forget to review the lesson's Prep Notes before publishing any changes. This ensures consistency for classroom teachers: skipping this step may cause mismatches.


    Once you've published your changes, they will appear in every version of the lesson that's available to the school: both within the lesson's corresponding sequence, and within your Library. 

    You can identify which lessons have been customised by Admins at your school by looking out for the "Edited" tag: