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Interactive components of Wellio lessons

Learn how we use technology and different types of questions in Wellio and to use them to create meaningful conversation in class. 

We see engaging students as especially important in Wellbeing lessons: to make sure students grasp the skills they're learning about, and leave with meaningful insights and practical tools to try out. 

These interactive elements also provide valuable opportunities for immediate feedback and assessment of comprehension. By actively participating in these interactive activities, students can apply and reinforce the knowledge and skills they are learning in real time.

We have embedded the following interactive elements into our lessons: 

If you have a Wellio admin account, you can review students' responses across the school. Check out this article for detailed instructions on How to use the progress dashboard to review their answers thoroughly.  

These interactive features were primarily designed for students who have access to their own electronic devices. However, if you are conducting the lesson in Device-Free Mode, these interactive features serve as excellent prompts to kickstart classroom discussions.

Unlocking a question

The questions on the students screens will remain hidden until the unlock button is toggled.

When students click into a lesson from their account, they can't access all questions and activities right away. Instead, they wait until the teacher has unlocked a question before completing their response.

We know that many of the benefits students gain from Wellio lessons come from discussion and interaction with their teacher and peers. This feature helps students stay present, preventing them from racing through the content and disengaging with what's happening around them in the room. 


Sharing student responses

During a Wellio lesson, teachers can click the Responses toggle to showcase real, anonymous student responses from their class from within their presentation. These responses are collected as students engage with questions on their devices, and can serve as a jumping-off point for further discussion.

Student responses are anonymous in this view to encourage greater openness, honesty and vulnerability in their contributions. Teachers can still use Review mode to see responses linked with student names, for any further follow up required.

If you are delivering the lesson in Device Free Mode, you can toggle pre-written student answers onto your screen by toggling the responses button. 


Quiz questions are used throughout Wellio lessons to gauge prior knowledge or sense-check understanding after discussion, encouraging students to actively reflect and engage with the topic at hand.

Using their own device, the students choose an option that will display anonymously on your presentation.

In the video demonstration below, the screen on the left shows the teacher's presentation, while the screen on the right displays the students' individual devices.

Observe how the Quiz is revealed when you unlock it by toggling the locked button.

Open Responses 

Open response questions prompt students to reflect on their opinions and experiences and share their unique perspectives on the topic at hand.

In the video demonstration, the screen on the left shows the teacher's presentation, while the screen on the right displays the students' individual devices.

Observe how the Open question is revealed when you unlock it by toggling the locked button.


Poll questions make it easy to quickly gauge the opinion of students across the class, as a jumping-off point for discussion. Polls don't have a right or wrong answer.


As the teacher, you have the option to anonymously share your class's responses to the poll question on your screen by swiping the purple Responses dongle. This can provide valuable insights for both you and your students. It can be beneficial for students to see that they are often not alone in their thinking, creating a supportive and positive learning environment.



A Spark is a fast-paced learning activity that takes the form of trivia-style quiz questions. It's a fun and competitive game that to test students' knowledge on the lesson content - either prior to learning, or towards the end of the lesson. It's worth noting that students responses to Sparks are not included in the progress reporting for teachers or admins.

How to start a Spark:

  1. Students will be able to click Join Spark from their side. 
  2. Once all students have joined the Spark, simply click on Start Quiz to begin the activity.
  3. A question will then appear on your presenter screen for 10 seconds.
  4. Students will have 30 seconds to choose one out of four answers on their own device screen, with the quiz question displayed at the top.
  5. Once the students click on an answer option, their response will be submitted.
  6. Students can earn XP points by answering questions correctly.
  7. When you and your students are ready for the next question, just click on the purple Next button located at the top right-hand side of your screen.

The video demonstration impersonates the teacher's screen on the left and a student's screen on the right. Providing a visual representation of how the interactive Spark feature works in action.


Restarting a Spark

After unlocking a Spark, you can choose to Restart the activity. Clicking on Restart will take you back to the Start Quiz page. Students will also return to the Join Spark page, allowing everyone to begin the activity again. This feature ensures that when students rejoin, they can submit their responses once more. Keep in mind that restarting the spark will reset all progress and responses to the beginning. 

The video demonstration impersonates the teacher's screen on the left and a student's screen on the right. Providing a visual representation of how the interactive Spark feature works in action.


Sparks automatically save the students responses

The platform automatically saves your students' progress during the Spark activity. This means that if a session is interrupted or if you need to refresh the page, you will find a Resume Quiz button that will take you right back to where you left off, without losing any of the progress made. This feature ensures smooth continuity and provides flexibility in managing classroom activities.

XP Points

Students can earn XP points by:

  • Providing correct answers to Spark questions.
  • Crafting detailed responses to questions within the lesson.
  • Providing feedback on the lesson after its completion.