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How to run a Staff Training

Run training with your classroom teachers to ensure they feel comfortable and prepared to run Wellio lessons.

Stay tuned! We're working on more sharable resources to help you ensure that classroom teachers are set up for success and have everything they need to run engaging Wellio lessons! If you need anything in the meantime, reach out to your CSM or contact us at support@wellioeducation.com

Step 1: Choose a date

Wellio staff training is run in a large group setting and is typically run during a staff meeting or a planning day. We recommend setting aside 30 minutes with your classroom teachers.

Step 2: Prep for the training 

Before the training session, it is important to make sure the 3 below steps have all been completed. This way, when teachers log in to Wellio for the new year, they'll see their own individual classes, and the lessons that they'll be expected to deliver, rather than a blank canvas. 

  1. Sequences have been created
  2. Your bulk enrolment file has been submitted and classes, students, and teachers are all set up in Wellio 
  3. Setup mode has been turned on

Step 3: Run the training

Here's our recommended agenda for a Teacher Training session:

1. Start with a short introduction

This should cover: 

  • Why you've chosen to partner with Wellio
  • Your school's key goals, and measures of success for the upcoming year.

Top tip: When teachers log in they only see the “Classes” tab but may not be aware of what goes on behind the scenes! Let them know that their lessons have been hand-picked and customised especially for them and their students.

2. Set clear expectations for classroom teachers

Providing classroom teachers with an overview of your plan for the year in a similar format to our planning template can be a great accountability tool! This not only shows teachers the content they will be delivering and when, but also how their lessons fit within the context of the whole school's program. 

3. Provide an overview of Wellio from a Teacher's perspective

4. Demonstrate how to run a lesson




Step 4: Turn off Setup mode to release teacher invitations